This is the ‘shift’ that will take us to higher dimensional realities; this is the Ascension that has been prophesized by cultures all over the world for thousands of years. We are ALL receiving wake-up calls now from Spirit prompting us to speed up our personal processes of spiritual awakening so that we may prevent self-destruction of our planet, and so that we may all ascend.
This doesn’t mean that we are going to leave the planet, or our bodies. This time ascension is all about the whole of humanity, along with Mother Earth ascending into the 5th dimension together!

This doesn’t mean that we are going to leave the planet, or our bodies. This time ascension is all about the whole of humanity, along with Mother Earth ascending into the 5th dimension together!
– Jenny Phare
Since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, we are now in the Aquarian Age, which, along with great turmoil also signifies new possibilities and new beginnings. In preparation for this we are all being prompted to clear and heal ourselves and things are coming up now to push our buttons so that we can heal old stuff once and for all. We need to cleanse ourselves of lower energies and old values and beliefs to make room for the new values of pure love, brother/sisterhood, unity and integrity.
We are each being asked to make a choice; between clinging to our old outdated values, or adopting the new evolving ones. Our happiness and peace depend on our choice and change will take place whether we like it or not.
This is the time of the merging of the sacred and divine masculine and feminine, to bring each of us into balance. These two divine energies balanced within each of us will work together to help us truly know our Divine selves.
As humans, we have created a LOT of negativity through our choices over our lives, including our many past lives. Every time we make a choice that is not from our heart (our Divine selves), but from a place of fear; such as doing or making a choice around what others think or tell us we should do; or when we feel obliged or coerced, we are creating negativity within and around ourselves.
So, our job is to work on ourselves to release all this ‘junk’. This can often take many years, but in doing so we are also assisting humanity as a whole to heal. It’s a little like the layers on an onion, in that we release layers at a time.

“It takes more courage to examine the dark corners of your own soul
than it does for a soldier to fight on a battlefield.”
– WB Yeates
Our goal is to be in the moment, in the ‘now’ each day, recognising our own and everyone else’s’ Divinity moment by moment, and learning to love one another and nature unconditionally.
As humans, we will always experience ups and downs in our lives, but it’s important how we react to these experiences, and learn how we can grow spiritually from them.
We are all of us living in an amazing time, in the process of discovering our true divinity, and I do believe a lot of negative stuff is coming up for people to let go of so they are free to evolve and consciously shift. Humanity as a whole is becoming more aware, and at the soul level we have chosen to be here right now to be part of humanity’s evolution, which is huge!
Through meditation, opening your heart, mindfulness, and taking steps to consciously elevate your vibration through responding to life with love and joy are the direct path to fully activating your energy systems and raising your vibration.